
Showing posts from May, 2017

Complete Reviewer of NAPOLCOM


For CSC and NAPOLCOM reviewer

Different questions and answer to the reviewers.

Penology Reviewer

Four pages of PENOLOGY reviewer - CSC exam

Criminal Law Reviewer.

Criminal law. 1. X is a household in the house of Y. X is always scolded by Y. X,. Bacause of her temper, put a poison on the food of Y's pet dog. The act of X is? A. Homicide B. Theft C. Cruelty to animal D. Maliciuos mischief 2. A kind of evidence that can stand alone, uncontrodicted, or un explained is suffiecient to maintain the proposition affirmed. A. Prima pacie evidence B. Conclusive evidence C. Autoptic evidence D. Cinvincing evidence 3. Any other name which a person publucly applies to himself without authority of the law? A. Alias B. Fictitious name C. AKA D. Moniker 4. It refers to the adverse party in appealed cases? A. Appellant B. Appellee C. Defendant D. Petitioner 5. Dangerous drug is under the jurisdiction of what court? A. Lower courts B. Regional trial courts C. Sandigan bayan D. Appellate courts

Penal Laws - By Latin Maxim

LATIN MAXIM,   SPECIAL PENAL LAWS 1.) ACTORI INCUMBIT ONUS PROBANDI - The burden of proof rests with the plaintiff or prosecution. 2.) ACTUS DEI NEMINI FACIT INJURIAM - The law holds no man responsible for the act of God. 3.) ACTUS DEI NEMINI NOCET - No one is to be prejudiced at law by the act of God 4.) ACTUS LEGIS NEMINI EST DAMNOSUS - An act of the law is hurtful to no one. 5.)ACTUS ME INVITO FACTUS NON EST MEUS ACTUS - That which is done against my will, although done by me, is not my act. 6.) ACTUS NON FACIT REUM, NISI MENS SIT REA - An act does not make the person doing it guilty unless it is accompanied by a guilty mind 7.) ALLEGANS CONTRARIA NON EST AUDIENDUS - A witness may not be heard to contradict himself. 8.) ALLEGATA ET PROBATA - Things alleged and proved. 9.) ALTUM MARE - The high seas. 10.) AMICUS CURIAE - A friend of the Court. 11.) ANIMO - With intention. 12.) ANIMO FELONICO - With felonious intent. 13.) ANIMUS - Mind, Intention. 14.) ANIMUS

Online Reviewer for CSC and Crim.

1. The declaration made under a consciousness of an impending death is called A.  Res gestae B.  Declaration against interest C.  Dying declaration D.  all of these           2.  A police officer testifying to the fact that he observed the defendant assault the            victim is presenting to the court ____ evidence. A.  circumstantial evidence B.  direct evidence C.  artificial evidence D.  real evidence           3.  A standard arrow to designate the north must be indicating to facilitate proper            orientation. This is known as A.  map     B.  wind whirl       C.  compass direction   D.  window     4.  The profession and scientific discipline directed to the recognition, identification,         individualization and evaluation of physical science by application of natural               sciences in matters of law and science. A.  chemist   B.  scientist   C.  toxicologist   D.  criminalistics           5.  The number of person who handle the evid

Next scheduled in CSC-PPT exam 2017.
